Argentina Natural Forest Protection

Native Jungles In Their Most Critical Moment:

REDD has become a hot topic for the Voluntary Carbon Market. In Argentina, critical native forests are feeling the impacts of growing agricultural pressures everyday. Centuries of ecological history built in the forest, its trees, soil, and biodiversity, now at risk to be lost for centuries.

Nature Focus is working with a compassionate landowner that believes in the beauty of the forests of Salta with a goal to protect over 34,000 hectares of Chaco. Our team is working diligently with teams on the ground to identify the land composition, the rich bio-diversity landscape, and the critical water retention capabilities of the forest.

Deforestation produces more mono-crops for more cows for methane. Benefitting a few, detrimental to the rest of us. This is why we believe in Argentina REDD


Ejido Community Led Forestry Management Projects


First Nations led land protection across Canada